June 7, 2016 By Digital Operative,

Meet Keddy Russell-Curry:

Keddy is one of Digital Operative's latest and greatest! Joining us as our Paid Media Specialist, Keddy jumped headfirst into the marketing team where his quick wit and great sense of humor made him a perfect addition to the team. We want you to get to know Keddy too, so we're going to let him tell you a little bit more about himself. Take it away, Keddy! Well hello! I'm Keddy, let's get started... I grew up in Merced, CA, where I spent most of my time playing in Mexican soccer leagues (as the only non-Mexican) and leaving town as often as possible, either to head down toward the snow, or to play gigs around the state as a punk musician. I got my undergraduate degree at UC Santa Barbara before joining Teach For America, where I taught 7th/8th grade Reading, Writing and Math for two years at low income, low-performing schools in Phoenix, AZ. After deciding I did not want to stay in teaching, I moved to San Jose to get back into the business, before deciding to pursue my MBA with an emphasis in Marketing here in San Diego, where I simultaneously began working in Paid Media… and here I am! Let’s get to know Keddy a little better with a few RAPID FIRE QUESTIONS:
  • Website You Visit The Most: espnfc.com
  • iPhone or Android: iPhone/apple e’erythang
  • First thing you do when you get to the office: get judged by the marketing team for only eating protein bars for breakfast
  • How Do you take your coffee: I exclusively drink Americanos
  • Fun Fact about yourself: my lung has collapsed twice
  • Something you say frequently: “you know what really grinds my gears?”… or “ALL DAY” exclaimed as obnoxiously as possible
  • Favorite thing to do on a Saturday: play pick-up soccer
  • Cats or Dogs: dogs… especially if it’s someone else’s
  • What would you sing at Karaoke night: Journey – “Don't Stop Believin”
  • Do you have a nickname, what is it: no nicknames that have stuck, Keddy is weird enough and already sounds like a nickname

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