BLOG/Agency Life
Introducing Mike Kuerschner, Senior Project Manager
Our Denver, CO office gained a new Senior Project Manager and we couldn’t be more thrilled! Mike Kuerschner and his epic beard comes to Digital Operative with a BA from the University of Wisconsin and a plethora of experience in the eCommerce and digital marketing world. In his professional career, Mike has held many key positions in the client services field such as Sr. Client Solutions Manager, Account Manager, Operations Analyst and Director of Client Services. Through his work in the digital-transformation consulting arm of his latest position at Kenzan, Mike gained expertise in several DevOps methodologies including Agile, SAFe, Kanban, Lean, and Design Thinking.
Outside of agency life, Mike is an avid concert goer and music lover- he plays multiple instruments such as the bass & guitar (and a small amount of ivory tickling). When Mike isn’t jamming out you can find him hiking and camping all over Colo-RAD-o with his wife and three doggos!
Fun fact- Mike has been a vegetarian for about a year now and even tried a short vegan-stint but soon found he couldn’t give up the cheese- we get it, you can take the boy out of Wisconsin but you can’t take away his cheese.
Welcome to the DO crew, Mike!
Let's get to know Mike a little better with some rapid fire questions:
- Website you visit the most: That's tough, but it's probably a toss up between reddit and twitter.
- iPhone or Android: iPhone - I'm comfortable admitting I'm a fanboy.
- Favorite phone app: I'm going to have to go with Spotify, with Medium being a close second.
- Favorite industry related website: I love reading articles/blogs so definitely
- If you could only visit one website for the rest of your life, what site would that be? Easy… Reddit - it's the 'front page of the internet.'
- First thing you do when you get to the office: Queue up some tunes, sit down and prioritize my to-do list.
- If you could have any job in the world, what would it be: Musician, but at the making money point in the career, not the struggling for rent part.
- How do you take your coffee: Black, trying to cut down on sugar and dairy.
- Fun fact about yourself: I used to be in a band that toured around the midwest, Wook.
- Favorite thing to do on a Saturday: Going for a hike and finishing it with a beer on a patio.
- Cats or Dogs: Definitely dogs - I have three
- What would you sing at Karaoke night: Africa by Toto
- Do you have a nickname, and if yes, what is it: I don't really. I suppose occasionally people call me 'Mikey,' but that's about it. Maybe it's time for one?
- What was your favorite childhood injury: I've had eight concussions; can't really remember which one is my favorite.
- Which store (online or brick and mortar) would you like to max out your credit card: Amazon for sure. The convenience is amazing, and you can get just about anything.
- Can you play any instruments: I can! I was in a band for a while before moving to Colorado. I play bass, guitar (not very well), and a little keyboard.
- What’s your favorite snack: I go for almonds. If they happen to be smoked, I wouldn't complain.
Hey! Do you want to join our team too?
Check out our current openings. Perks of working at DO include a dog-friendly office, bagel Fridays, endless snacks, monthly guest speakers, team building events, and an environment where creativity has no limit! We look forward to meeting you.
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