BLOG/Agency Life
Meet Courtney Davis, Director of Development
Written By: Bonnie West, Office Manager at Digital Operative
Introducing our new Director of Development, Courtney! She will be leading our development team from our Denver, CO office and we couldn’t be more thrilled to have her join our team. Courtney comes to Digital Operative with a wealth of knowledge and experience of those twice her age! Previous to DO, Courtney has been a part of agency life for many years, landing her first role during her FIRST semester of college (#goals). She has held many positions along her professional journey such as lead developer, technical project manager, solutions architect and our favorite, Director of Development. Oh, and did we mention she has been working in Magento since 2011!?
Outside of the office Courtney enjoys doing pretty much anything with her adorable family: her fiancé and fur babies! During the warmer months, you can find Courtney kayaking, hiking and attending music festivals. In the colder months, it may be hard to locate her out of the office and she tends to stay inside. If she isn’t curled up with her loved ones she spends her time traveling as much as possible, enjoying every adventure along the way.
Welcome to the DO Crew Courtney, we are lucky to have you!
Let's get to know Courtney a little better with some rapid fire questions:
- Website you visit the most: Amazon, I am an online shopaholic.
- iPhone or Android: Android.
- Favorite phone app: Pinterest... I get lost in there.
- Favorite industry related website: Stack overflow, whenever I run into issues I usually end up there.
- If you could only visit one website for the rest of your life, what site would that be? Facebook, so I can keep up with friends and family that are long distance.
- Something you say frequently: "What can I do to help?"
- First thing you do when you get to the office: Get coffee, I can’t function without coffee.
- If you could have any job in the world, what would it be: I enjoy what I do. I have wanted to be a programmer and in the development world since the 9th grade. Its always been a passion of mine.
- How do you take your coffee: Coconut Milk Latte, some days with an extra shot.
- Fun fact about yourself: I'm a lefty, but was born right-handed. I broke my right arm in the 2nd grade and now I’m a bit ambidextrous. I eat and write left-handed, but I do everything else pretty much right-handed.
- Favorite thing to do on a Saturday: Sleep in and cuddle my puppies.
- Cats or Dogs: I have 2 dogs and 1 cat. I love pretty much all fuzzy animals!
- What would you sing at Karaoke night: Nothing. I refuse to sing in public.
- Do you have a nickname, and if yes, what is it: Many, but most people call me Court.
- If you had an unlimited storage of one thing, what would it be: Energy, so I never get tired.
- What was your favorite childhood injury: I broke my arm (different then the time I mentioned above), and my mom broke both of her arms as well at the same time (different reasons) so between the 2 of us we had 1 working arm… fun times.
- Name the movie title for the story of your life: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.
- Which store (online or brick and mortar) would you like to max out your credit card: Amazon. I could literally buy anything and have it shipped in 2 days.
- What’s your favorite snack: Salty chips.
Hey! Do you want to join our team too?
Check out our current openings. Perks of working at DO include a dog-friendly office, bagel Fridays, endless snacks, monthly guest speakers, team building events, and an environment where creativity has no limit! We look forward to meeting you.More from the
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