September 7, 2016 By Digital Operative,

What's up Jess!

Jessika's our Director of PMO over here at Digital Operative. She's been at her craft for a sweet minute and we love having her around. You can usually find her moving from meeting to meeting with her trusty ball of fluff- Theodore, a pretty talented Pomeranian. Jes, allow us to stereotype you for a second. You're from the east coast, therefore you've got to have the quick wit thing down. Let's see how you do with our RAPID FIRE QUESTIONS:
  • Website you visit the most:
  • iPhone or Android: Android
  • Favorite phone app: Instagram
  • If you could only visit one website for the rest of your life, what site would that be? Please refer to answer number one. But seriously, one and only one? I would have to say YouTube, because it has it all... news, education, entertainment, lifestyle content, and the ability to connect with others. 
  • First thing you do when you get to the office: Let my dog out of his bag so he can go stalk the sales guy.
  • How do you take your coffee:  In a can… marked “Celsius.” 
  • Cats or Dogs: Dogs.
  • What would you sing at Karaoke night: There is but one song I can sing in key through and throughout. It is the Fastball song "The Way." 
  • If you had an unlimited storage of one thing, what would it be: Dogs.
  • What was your favorite childhood injury: It was probably that time I got amnesia, though I forget what happened.
  • Name the movie title for the story of your life: The Girl Who Thought She was Funny
  • Can you play any instruments: Violin, and I'd like to learn the uke.
  • What’s your favorite snack from the snack cart: A pretzel, but the Auntie Annes or Wetzel's kind of pretzel...preferably jalapeno.

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