BLOG/Agency Life
Say Hello to Our Newest Addition- David Ambrose!
Welcome Fall Intern!
Hey everyone! My name is David Ambrose and I am the new Business Development and Revenue intern here at DO. I grew up just outside of Sacramento and moved down after high school about 4 years ago. I currently am a senior at San Diego State University studying International Economics. When I’m not working here at DO or at school you can either find me hanging out with some friends at the beach or at my second job, driving for Uber. So if you ever get me as your driver, make sure to give me a five star!- Where do you go to School? What is your Major: I am in my senior year at San Diego State University and I am studying International Economics.
- When do you plan on graduating: I plan on graduating in May 2017!
- How did you hear about Digital Operative: It may sound a little weird but I drive for Uber and this summer I picked up one of your old interns, Kalah Siegel, and she was telling me all about how awesome you guys were and what an amazing atmosphere it is while working here.
- What do you hope to learn from your internship: Jonathan said that in this internship, “I am going to learn about life.” So I am curious as to what he has planned for me. I do hope that I can improve my sales communication skills and develop more confidence in dealing with rejections. I really want to take in all that this position has to offer.
- What do you hope to do after completing your internship and graduating from college: I have always been involved in sports and I have a lot of connections with some major sports corporations in Los Angeles. Knowing that I can somehow get my foot in the door, one of my long term goals has always been to become a sports agent. Jerry MaGuire and Ari Gold have been some of my favorite characters on TV so hopefully one day I will be like them.
- One week down, how are you feeling about your internship thus far: So far the experience has been amazing. It has been fun getting to feel everyone out and see how everyone works. The relaxed atmosphere really helps to loosen the first week jitters.
- Tell us something interesting about yourself: I’ve bungee jumped and skydived but I have never jumped off the high dive at the community pool.
- If you could have any job in the world, what would it be:I think being a monster truck driver would be pretty fun.
- How do you take your coffee: I actually don’t drink coffee. Can’t stand the taste.
- Fun fact about yourself: One fun fact about myself, is that I am the same height as I was in sixth grade.
- What would you sing at Karaoke night: Believe by Cher
- Do you have a nickname, what is it: I actually don’t have a nickname but I am sure I’ll be open to any if you guys want to throw one at me.
- What was your favorite childhood injury: My favorite childhood injury was when I smashed my growth plate in my knee. I got to roll around school in a wheelchair and learned some pretty cool tricks in it.
- Name the movie title for the story of your life: Dazed and Confused
- Which store (online or brick and mortar) would you like to max out your credit card: I could probably max out my credit card at either Tilly's or Express
- iPhone or Android: I’ve always been an Apple guy
- Favorite phone app: My favorite phone app is probably UberEats. It’s pretty sweet that we can summon some stranger online to come bring food to our house nowadays
- Something you say frequently: “Alright, alright, alright.” – Matthew McConaughey
- Favorite thing to do on a Saturday: On Saturdays you could either find me at the beach or just laying low watching TV
- Cats or Dogs: Oh dogs for sure!
- If you had an unlimited storage of one thing, what would it be: I would love to have an unlimited storage of acai bowls
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