BLOG/Agency Life
Say Hello to Our Intern- Sulochana Marpadga
Welcome Summer Interns!
Hi everyone! My name is Sulochana and I am the current social media intern here at Digital Operative. I was born in Missouri but my parents thankfully decided that the midwest wasn't the place for them and we moved to the LA area when I was around 3 years old. I'm going to be a senior at UCSD in the fall and I'm super excited to be here!- Where do you go to School? What is your Major: I currently go to UC San Diego where I am a human development and psychology major.
- When do you plan on graduating: June 2017!
- How did you hear about Digital Operative: I was looking up marketing internships for the summer and DO really stuck out to me because of its company mission and culture! So I'm really glad to have ended up here.
- What do you hope to learn from your internship: I hope to learn the ins and outs of social media and content marketing in a different environment from what I have known before and to just make the most out of every opportunity I get here.
- What do you hope to do after completing your internship and graduating from college: That's a great question which I should probably stop avoiding. Ideally, I want to end up with a full time job in marketing and maybe get my MBA in a few years, but we'll see where life decides to take me in a year!
- Tell us something interesting about yourself: I failed my first driver's license test by blocking an entire intersection two minutes into the test. When I went to retake it, I got the same guy as the first time and he just laughed and walked away to ask for someone else to test me. (Don't worry, I have my license now and I am a great driver.)
- If you could have any job in the world, what would it be: Something that involves puppies at every minute of the day.
- How do you take your coffee: Iced, no matter what.
- Fun fact about yourself: I can rap the lyrics to almost every Drake song.
- What would you sing at Karaoke night: The entire Shrek soundtrack.
- Do you have a nickname, what is it: "Suloch," as coined by my high school and college friends. Also "Cheese Girl," which warrants a long and embarrassing story.
- What was your favorite childhood injury: Getting a permanent scar on my leg from tripping while getting out of the shower.
- Name the movie title for the story of your life: Girl Attempts to Merely Exist without Disturbance, But Life Has Other Plans
- Which store (online or brick and mortar) would you like to max out your credit card: Target. All day every day.
- Can you play any instruments: I played clarinet very briefly in elementary school after being inspired by Squidward, but that ended quickly.
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