BLOG/Agency Life
Meet One of Digital Operative’s Interns: Aaron Pham
Meet Aaron Pham!
DO is really excited to introduce our most recent Strategy intern, Aaron Pham! He's be gracing the strategy team with his presence for the last 5 weeks. Aaron has been awesome to work with and we wanted you to get to know him a little better... So without further ado, let's get to know Aaron! What’s up! My name is Aaron Pham and I am the current strategy intern at Digital Operative. I was born in Fountain Valley and raised in Lake Forest (which is in Orange County, for those who don’t know) up until I moved to San Diego to attend UCSD. Whenever I’m not here at DO, you can probably find me at hip hop dance practice, cooking, and occasionally scouring through Netflix or playing games. I also really appreciate art and outdoor activities. I plan on grabbing a scuba license soon, so if anyone knows some great spots, feel free to hit me up!- Where did you go to School? I am currently attending my last year at University of California, San Diego as an economics major, accounting minor. Things are about to get real, but I’m excited (and ready) for the challenges of post-grad life.
- How did you hear about Digital Operative? I actually heard about Digital Operative from a former intern, Andrew Kang! We were both on the same dance team and the same advertising organization (Adwave). At the time, I was just getting my feet wet in advertising, but after researching basically every agency in San Diego, Digital Operative seemed the most interesting. So I ran with it!
- What do you hope to learn from your internship? Oh man, I don’t even know where to start. There’s so much I want to learn! From Google analytics to social listening to usability testing. With these last few weeks, I hope to be a sponge and just absorb everything anyone has to say.
- 5 weeks down - 11 to go......How do you as you reach the halfway mark of your internship? I feel great! I’ve learned a lot these past 5 weeks and I’m sure there’s still tons to learn in these last 7. I really love the culture here at DO. Everyone is really nice and it’s always fun (especially with all the dogs running around).
- What do you hope to do after completing your internship? After completing my short time here at Digital Operative, I hope to continue my growth in strategy and planning. I would love to move to LA or NY and work as a planner and maybe become a strategy planning director one day!
- What's your favorite part about coming into the DO office? Everything about it, from the culture to the people, to the dogs. I really enjoy interning here!
- Tell us something interesting about yourself? I am obsessed with Game of Thrones.
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