BLOG/Agency Life
Meet Digital Operative’s New Intern: Erik Sena
Meet Erik Sena!
DO is really excited to welcome our newest addition to the intern ranks, Erik Sena, he'll be gracing the marketing team with his presence for the next 10 weeks. So without further ado, let's see what Erik's about! What’s up, everyone! My name is Erik Sena, and I’m the new social media/content intern here at Digital Operative. I was born in Long Beach, grew up in LA for about the first five years of my life then relocated to sunny San Diego. When I’m not busy trying to usurp DJ Khaled from his social media throne, you could probably find me at home watching every film in the Criterion Collection, cutting up vinyl records on my trusty Stanton turntables or dropping verses over 90s rap instrumentals. So at this point, you’re probably wondering, “You must love Hip Hop, huh?” And yes, that’s correct. But do I foresee inking a record deal sometime in the near future? Probably not.- Where did you go to School? I’m currently in my last semester at San Diego State University (go Aztecs!) as an advertising major. I’m looking forward to graduation and am super excited for what’s to come.
- How did you hear about Digital Operative? Back in the day—when I was still a bright-eyed and bushy-tailed freshman—I researched pretty much every marketing shop I could find within San Diego. Digital Operative was one of the agencies that stood out to me because of its awesome culture and impressive range of clients. I never had the opportunity to apply because I wasn’t eligible for school credit, but now I am and couldn’t be more stoked!
- What do you hope to learn from your internship? Anything and everything: the ins-and-outs of agency life, what makes for great content, SEO best practices—literally any nugget of information I can get my hands on! I just want to be a receptacle of knowledge and keep my mind open to the wise advice that every team member has to offer. 12 weeks is a short time, but I definitely plan to make the most of it.
- 1 week down - 11 to go......How do you feel after your first week of interning? I feel amazing. It’s been a while since I interned for an agency, so it’s great to finally get back into the swing of things. I forgot just how much I missed agency life until now. So far, it’s been pretty rad. I have yet to encounter one dull day here at the office. If a pack of dogs isn’t running through legs and under tables, someone is riding a scooter around nonchalantly. With that dynamicism comes a fast-paced environment, but I’m ready for things to pick up!
- What do you hope to do after completing your internship? After completing my brief stint here at DO, I hope to (and plan on) continuing the cycle of growth and development. Career-wise, I’d love to be a copywriter or content marketer at an agency and work my way up the ladder to become a creative director. Ideally, my ultimate goal is to start an agency of my own, so hopefully this isn’t the last you’ll hear of me! And, if things pan out, maybe—just maybe—I can finally get that sweet record deal I’ve always dreamt of.
- Tell us something interesting about yourself? I don’t know how to ride a bike. But at the same time, I’ve never broken a bone in my body, so there’s probably some correlation there. Personally, I think I’ll just stick to driving cars and riding skateboards.
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