BLOG/Agency Life
Our Newest Intern is a Native San Diegan, Welcome Danielle
- Where do you go to School? What is your Major? When do you plan on graduating? Currently I am a senior at University of California, San Diego (go Tritons), majoring in communication, minoring in business with an emphasis in marketing, and I am planning on graduating this spring, wish me luck.
- How did you hear about Digital Operative? All of my information comes from either Reddit or Google and I was searching Google for the top marketing agencies in San Diego, the screen went blank and “DIGITAL OPERATIVE” flashed on the screen. But seriously, I was Google searching and I was scanning DO’s site and the pet friendly icon immediately sold me and I had to apply.
- What do you hope to learn from your internship? I want to eventually work in a digital marketing agency, so learning how an agency as a whole works and being in this environment is already a great start. I have a strange fascination with SEO so learning about successful SEO and anything content marketing related is something I hope I get to work closely with.
- 1 week down - 11 to go......How do you feel after your first week of interning? Honestly it has been more than I hoped for an expected. Nikki has been great to work with, she has given me so much responsibility already which is something you don’t expect as an intern but is greatly appreciated! I am excited to work more with Alvaro and Kalah has also been so much fun to work with.
- What do you hope to do after completing your internship and graduating from college? I have always wanted to go to Germany so I hope I am able to travel after I graduate. I know I want to work in marketing, so hopefully I land an internship or potentially a job with a marketing agency!
- Tell us something interesting about yourself? I have a lowkey sci-fi addiction. I have watched Game of Thrones multiple times and am currently reading the books. I have a GoT calendar and a Lord of the Rings poster all in a designated corner in my room.
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