BLOG/Agency Life
Meet The Team: Jessika Sobanski
Meet Jessika Sobanski:
Jessika Sobanski is Digital Operative's Director of Project Management. She has been working with the team for over a year and everyday tries to make Digital Operative's project management process a little better. Along with Project Managing some clients here at Digital Operative, Jessika also teaches. She is a PMP instructor on the side and also just got certified as a dog trainer and works for SmrtDog in Ocean Beach. But, when Jessika isn't at her desk, you can find her running meetings or throwing her dog, Theodore's bouncy ball back and forth down the office hallway. Let’s get to know Jessika a little better with RAPID FIRE:- Website You Visit The Most: I think it might be BarkPost these days. They always entice me right into their site: 17 Dogs Out to Ruin Your First-Day-of-School Photos. I'm not even in school, but I am compelled to be forewarned... just in case...
- iPhone or Android: Android. I'm rocking the Galaxy SIII.
- Favorite Phone App: Instagram. I love the engagement, kind words and connections. It makes my day.
- Favorite Industry related Website: Neuromarketing -- I've always been fascinated by neuroscience. When I was younger I liked studying it on the molecular level (my mom surprised me with a Neuropshychopharmacology book once and it was my fave present). In grad school I did my Instructional Design (educational) research projects by also drawing from psychology, marketing, and other disciplines. If an advertising study can come up with the ideal amount of time text needs to be on screen to be remembered after watching a video, why not use that in designing for education? And now I am part of DO where we specialize in marketing and educating the consumer.
- If you could only visit one website for the rest of your life, what site would that be? Hmmm, I would say: YouTube. I came up with this answer because I turn to the web for current information, education, entertainment, healthy lifestyle ideas, and connecting with friends & family. Though not an avid YouTuber now, this would be my answer should you decide to impose this restriction on me.
- Something you say frequently: *!@$
- First thing you do when you get to the office: I unzip a bag full of fluff. My dog, Theodore, can't get into his bag fast enough when I ask him to come to work with me.
- If you could have any job in the world, what would it be: I am not quite sure, but it would involve helping dogs.
- How Do you take your coffee: In a can... marked "Celsius." To answer seriously, I unfortunately had to cut back on caffeine, so I tend to get decaf soy cappuccinos these days.
- Fun Fact about yourself: I was once on an episode of MTV Real High School Stories. I played a lunch lady (sans the hair net, which I was actually disappointed about). I had helped to cast the episode and was asked to take the lunch lady role, so I did, thinking I'd be off in the background somewhere scooping slop (whilst sporting a hair net). As it turns out, guess who cracked the case? Yep, the lunch lady!
- Favorite thing to do on a Saturday: Wake up to puppy cuddles (+ cat cuddles), go do hot yoga with Andre Houle... followed by some time by the pool / hot tub with my daughter Jade.
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