BLOG/Agency Life
Meet Our Gamma Phi Beta Project Manager Intern
1. Where do you go to School? What is your Major? When do you plan on graduating?
I am currently a senior attending San Diego State University majoring in International Business (Spanish and Western Europe emphasis) graduating in May 2015.2. How did you hear about Digital Operative?
I heard about Digital Operative through a girl in my sorority who had been a previous intern at this great establishment.3. What do you hope to learn from your internship?
I am hoping to learn about the internal workings of digital marketing, and the most current and valuable methods, systems, and means of operations companies must utilize to stay ahead of the ever changing market.4. 1 week down - 11 to go......How do you feel after your first week of interning?
The first week of my internship has already been very rewarding and informative. I have been trying to act like a sponge and absorb all the hard-working intelligence and expertise all the people in this office have, and I can't wait to see how future projects will unfold! My primary mentor is Robert, who you can tell is the kind of person who brings a task back into focus for the client and gets the results in, which is what all clients really expect at the end of the day. I have also worked frequently with Jessika and Thiago, and I have been picking up on everyone's working style and strengths, which is something I am very lucky to experience.5. What do you hope to do after completing your internship and graduating from college?
I hope to work in the realm of international business and see the true impact my strengths can have on other businesses and the world. With all the connectivity and upcoming trends of society, I think it is impossible to not want to leave a legacy of bettering the world through service to others, and that is exactly what I intend to do.6. Tell us something interesting about yourself?
Something interesting about myself is that I love to cook and make pretty much anything from homemade Filipino to Mexican food that rivals some restaurants in San Diego. I think food, music and travel is the perfect way to find commonalities and comfort between people...and who doesn't want that?!More from the
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