BLOG/Digital Marketing
Facebook’s ‘New’ Newsfeed
- Luckily, videos will not auto-play with sound unless clicked
- To compete with Twitter’s focus on news, you will likely see more actual news in your feed
- Resurfaced content that users across the web have already engaged with
- Memes
- Posts that are like-baiting (Facebook is trying to stop users who ask for Likes)
- You will eventually have the power to dictate exactly what types of stories you see in your newsfeed
- For example, with the new algorithm, if you like a lot of one type of story, you will eventually see more of them. Kind of like certain online radio playlists, like Spotify and Songza. The more you like, comment and share a type of story, the more you will see that type of story in the future.
- On a funnier note, if you post “congratulations” on a friends graduation picture for example, a Facebook algorithm will actually give that post a boost, likely pushing it to the top of your newsfeed. So now you know, be careful how much you congratulate your Facebook friends. You can read more about it here.
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