BLOG/Agency Life
Digital Marketing Internship… Complete! What’s next for Kalah?
In this post, we will recap Kalah's experience with DO. When she first started 12 weeks ago, she wrote about what she hoped to achieve in our series, 12 weeks – what it’s really like to intern for a digital agency. Unfortunately it’s that time of year again and we have to say “see you later” to Kalah…..Or DO we?! We asked Kalah to answer a few questions about her experience and this is what she had to say:
Hi again! I’m Kalah and I’ve been the marketing intern at Digital Operative for the past twelve weeks. It’s been an amazing opportunity that I would do over again in a heartbeat. Here’s an inside look on what I’ve been up to during my time here.
1. How would you define Digital Marketing? How was your role crucial to the success of the Agency?
Digital marketing is where the marketing elements and the digital age collide. It uses media channels and electronic devices to promote the marketing tools in a way that’s relevant to people’s lifestyles. I was fortunate enough to assist mostly with content including blogs and materials for websites, but I did get to try a little bit of everything while I was here.
2. Who were your mentors at DO and how did you like working with them?
Everyone at DO is incredibly talented and so many different people helped me throughout my internship. Nikki Johnson was an excellent resource for all things content related. She taught me everything from writing tips to important skills like WordPress. It was also beneficial to be able to work with Alvaro Martinez who gave me great insight into the overall process of working at a digital marketing agency.
3. What did you learn from your internship?
I learned way too much to write about in one blog post. Everyday I would learn new skills, how to use various applications, and what to expect in an agency setting. More importantly, I was able to narrow down the area of marketing that I am interested in pursuing after college. Thanks to this internship I now know that content marketing is my calling and I can’t wait to see where I can go with it.
4. You're finished… how do you feel about completing your internship?
It’s bittersweet. I’m sad that’s it’s over, but extremely thankful for the opportunity and the agency experience.
5. Do you still want to go down the same career path after you graduate? Why/Why not?
As I mentioned earlier, coming into the internship I had no idea which direction I wanted to go with marketing. Everyone was patient with me as I tried out all the different areas and finally I discovered my passion for content marketing, which I will be striving to make a career out of after graduation.
6. What was your favorite part about working with DO?
Hands down bagel Fridays. Kidding, bagel Fridays were fun but the best thing about interning at Digital Operative was undoubtedly the people. Unlike other internships, the marketing internship at DO was focused on helping me learn and grow. I felt like everyone in the office was extremely generous with their time and guidance to assist me in making the most out of my internship.
7. Would you recommend the internship program to your classmates?
Yes, absolutely.
8. What were a few of your favorite memories while interning for DO?
I had a great time bonding with the other interns. We went on all sorts of expeditions to various restaurants in San Diego as well as Padres games. I also loved how excited everyone in the office got about the World Cup. It was a great atmosphere of friendly competition while rooting for our favorite teams.
9. Now what!? Where do you go next?
Where will I go next? Not far at all actually, just across the room at a desk of my own. After my internship I was offered a twelve week contracting position for one of DO’s new projects. I had such amazing experience with my twelve week internship, that I can’t wait to delve into what’s next!
We are so happy Kalah is sticking around through the Summer and getting paid for it! she still has a year left of school...but, we just didn't want to see her go!
If you would like to intern at DO, don't hesitate to send your resume and cover letter to
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