BLOG/Agency Life
Diana Kong is the new Strategy Intern
1. Where do you go to School? What is your Major? When do you plan on graduating?
I am actually a recent graduate of UC San Diego! Well, technically I’m 4 units away. Majored in International Studies with a focus in Economics and Business minor. Definitely going to miss the convenient 20-minute walk to the beach.2. How did you hear about Digital Operative?
Through the former Strategy intern, Andrew Kang. We were in a marketing team (Adwave) that worked on this gnarly project, and he got us an exclusive tour of the DO agency. Besides the insightful and talented people we had a chance to meet, I was sold when I heard DO celebrates Take Your Dog to Work Day on a weekly basis.3. What do you hope to learn from your internship?
Get a taste of the real world. I want to learn all the ins and outs about how Strategy trickles through a project’s life cycle. I hope to invigorate my mind, learn how to make connections, and understand the dynamics of strategy, even beyond the realm of marketing.4. 1 week down - 11 to go…How do you feel after your first week of interning?
Soaking up information like a sponge. I am excited to see how my research can contribute to the final product. I feel nothing but good vibes when I walk into the agency, and with every task I watch myself becoming more of a professional. Plus I love the wide array of snacks available in the kitchen.5. What do you hope to do after completing your internship and graduating from college?
Sail through life with my high-risk tendencies. But the plan is to take my degree and experience and expand my learning internationally. I want to run away to Shanghai, China and start off post-grad with teaching English. Education has always been a cause I hold dearly, and it’d be the perfect opportunity to practice my broken Chinese.6. Tell us something interesting about yourself?
I went through a phase once where I wanted to chop off all my hair, not once but twice, (because the first time wasn’t short enough) and I ended up looking like a male Korean pop star. Diana's nickname should be "speedracer" - she always finishes her projects quickly and is eager to get moving onto the next.More from the
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