BLOG/Agency Life
Welcome, Nick!
Meet Nick Powell:
The team here at Digital Operative would like to extend the warmest of welcomes to Nick, he's joined the team as our Customer Experience Strategist. Nick has been a great addition to the team, he's got a great attitude and is always down to participate, even from Florida! That's right folks, Nick is working remote from Jacksonville, where we hear he's got a sweet little piece of ocean front property. Side note- if you need company, I'm sure we could find a few volunteers to keep you company! Anyway, we really wanted you to get to know Nick, so we decided to let him tell you a little bit more about him self. Nick, the floor is yours.... Hi, my name is Nick. Some interesting stuff about me: In 1999, I joined the United States Navy. I operated the tactical weapons and targeting systems through 7 beautiful all-inclusive luxury cruises. I spent 2 whole years of my life underwater which I’ve been told is interesting and even got a medal for fixing a leak with chewing gum. After the Navy, I tried my hand at being a Rock Star although ended up a marketing professional. I then double dipped from the University of North Florida with a BBA in International Business and MBA. My professional life has been largely devoted to understanding and improving customer experiences. My wife and I have two babies, a beautifully strong 5-year-old daughter and my 3-year-old man (my mini-me). We are rounded out by our 8-year old Golden/Jack Russel mix whom I’ve been told is the chilliest dog in the history of the world. (My buddies are always asking to take her to the pubs at the beach). I enjoy running, sailing, hiking, camping and generally looking at the night sky. I love reading classic novels; some of my favorite authors are Alexandre Dumas, Ernest Hemmingway, and Jack London. Let’s get to know Nick a little better with a few RAPID FIRE QUESTIONS:- Website you visit the most:
- iPhone or Android: iPhone
- Favorite phone app: Tadpoles
- Favorite industry related website:
- If you could only visit one website for the rest of your life, what site would that be? Youtube (little bit of everything really)
- Something you say frequently: “Awesome Sauce”
- First thing you do when you get to the office: C&C (Coffee and Calendar)
- If you could have any job in the world, what would it be: Aston Martin Test Driver
- How do you take your coffee: Truvia and half and half
- Fun fact about yourself: I was lead singer/played rhythm in a rock band.
- Favorite thing to do on a Saturday: Run, then watch college football, Go Buckeyes!
- Cats or Dogs: Dogs
- What would you sing at Karaoke night: Bohemian rhapsody
- Do you have a nickname, what is it: The Commish
- If you had an unlimited storage of one thing, what would it be: wontons
- What was your favorite childhood injury: Broken Arm, still use it to get sympathy from my brother who was responsible for breaking it in the first place. I just wanted my Leader-1 Gobot (poor kid’s transformers from the 80’s) on the top shelf of my closet and he totally pulled the stool out from under me.
- Name the movie title for the story of your life: ‘The Journey to Awesomeness part 1’
- Which store (online or brick and mortar) would you like to max out your credit card:
- Can you play any instruments: Guitar, Sing
- What’s your favorite snack: Popcorn
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